
Author: Yasmin GoodmanGeneral healthy living Productivity

Get in Sync with the Law of Integrity

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I read an interview with Michael Jensen, Emeritus of Harvard Business School entitled, Integrity: Without It, Nothing Works, a bold title, that peaked my interest. He really made me see that if I got in sync with the “Law of Integrity,” I could tackle those areas in my life — where I feel stuck — with greater ease. I could create workability where it is lacking and increase my productivity and performance tenfold just with a little practice.

Before I read the interview, the word integrity, made me think of “integrity” as a virtue; it is good to have integrity and it’s bad not to. The article helped me see that being caught up in the good / bad, right / wrong characteristics of integrity hides its relationship to workability and performance. Jensen makes the case that “as integrity declines, workability declines, and when workability declines the opportunity for performance declines” as well. He calls it the Law of Integrity.

Think of the spokes on a bicycle. If I remove spokes from the wheel, the integrity of the bike is increasingly diminished with each spoke I remove. As the integrity is more and more dimished, the wheel becomes less and less workable: its performance is ultimately compromised.

Jensen gives an example of how things that lack integrity affect our lives. Think of your car. When you don’t manage its maintenance, parts of the car can begin to wear out, run less efficiently, or break. The car becomes unreliable which makes you late for work, late for meetings, maybe even late to pick up your child at school. The “out-of-integrity” of your car creates a lack of integrity in your life that produces all kinds of fallout. Over time, you begin to show up as unpredictable, unreliable and untrustworthy, to your work associates, family members, and yourself.

The effects of the “out-in-integrity” behavior in our lives mostly go misidentified, unnoticed, and unacknowledged by us and others. We could simply say, the issue is with the car. However, if we look at integrity as defined in the article as “a state or condition of being whole, complete, unbroken, unimpaired, sound and in perfect condition,” then the condition of my car directly provides “actionable access” that leads to opportunities for workability that enhance my ability to perform in life. With this model of integrity, the breakdown with my car illuminates the pathway or actionable steps I can take to create, maintain and restore integrity. This, in turn, gives me direct access to maximum performance in all areas of my life.

Fundamental to the Law of Integrity is honoring your word with yourself and others. More specifically, it means:

  • keeping your word
  • OR, when you first notice that you will not keep your word by the time you said you would, tell the person / people you have this agreement with that you will not keep your word when promised,
    • tell them by what new time or day you will keep your word,
    • or that you won’t be keeping your word at all.
      In this situation, explain what you will do to deal with the impact that failing to keep your word will have on the others involved

If we faithfully manage our integrity with ourselves, with the groups we are involved with, and the organizations that are important to us, Jensen explains, over time, “it enriches the quality of one’s life.” Effectiveness, workability, and increased performance are all a by-product of this model of integrity. He says, “People fail to link the difficulties in their lives or in their organizations to out-of-integrity behavior. The increases in performance that are possible by focusing on integrity are huge.”  In his own company, after three years of implementing this Law of Integrity, Jensen saw a “300% increase in output, with essentially no increase in inputs.”

Michael Jensen makes a convincing case for integrity’s critical link to performance. Think about areas in our lives that don’t work (our homes, our work environments, our healthcare system, the financial industry, our political system). What would be possible if we, as individuals, in our society took on the “Law of Integrity” in those areas where we feel stuck, life feels unworkable and productivity needs a boost!

Wow, that would create a new future for all of us!

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