
Author: Annie KilbrideClutter General Home Organizing Shopping

Stop Clutter Before it Comes into the Home

Prevent Clutter From Entering HomeWhat happens if you love to shop BUT hate to organize? Or you don’t have the time or energy to deal with what you buy?

All those great deals” become clutter when you bring things into the home and either don’t have a place to put them right away or haven’t purged things to make room for them. What happens most of the time? The items stay hidden in bags that pile up. Then there’s a problem.

Too much stuff, with no place to put it, leads to clutter and chaos which do not allow the stress-free, organized home you desire.

Before you buy something, ask yourself these questions:

  1.  Do I have a place for it?
  2.  Do I love it?
  3.  Am I willing to eliminate something to make room for it?
  4.  Will I really use it and, if so, will it be within the next two months?

Remember—if a deal seems too good to pass up, but you don’t need the item, you need to put it somewhere if you bring it home. The floor does not count so no bags should be piled up on the floor.

Before buying more things, ask yourself the above questions. You’ll learn over time that the best way to stop clutter is before it enters your home.

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