
Author: Ellen TozziClutter Family General Organizing Productivity Project Management Small Spaces

LAUNDRY ROOM ORGANIZATION: 9 Tips to Create a Space in Which You Want to Work!

The Container Store's White Elfa Laundry room

Do you dread entering your laundry area because it’s filled with piles of dirty clothes and who knows what else? Now is a good time to make a clean, fresh start!

1. Visualize your ideal space.
· Picture how you would like the room to look and consider how it should better function.

2. Reduce the excess.
· Remove items that don’t belong in the laundry room and put them where they really should live.
· Eliminate items you don’t want (use up, share with others, donate, or toss).

3. Maximize the space.
· Install shelves or cabinets above and/or next to washer and dryer.
· If space allows, place a narrow rolling cart between your washer and dryer to store small items.
· Install a wall-hanging ironing board, hanging rack and/or folding table to save space.

4. Organize what you keep.
· Assign a home for each item, keeping similar items together.
· Keep frequently-used items close at hand and less-frequently used items higher or lower.
· Dedicate space for sorting dirty clothes; use bins or rolling carts to separate and contain whites, colors, delicates, and heavily soiled items.

6. Decorate the room.
· Hang artwork, put down a throw rug, purchase attractive hampers, etc. so you feel happy and peaceful in the room.

7. Develop a laundry schedule.
· Make doing laundry a ROUTINE – daily, every other day, weekly, etc.
· Make it as enjoyable as possible – fold laundry while watching TV, talking on phone, etc.

8. Get help from family members.
· Have family members empty pockets, pre-spot and put their dirty clothes in the hamper.
· Delegate the folding of clean laundry and putting clothes away.

9. Follow through!
· Complete the laundry cycle and put clothes away and have family members do the same.
· Reward yourselves with a treat when you’ve completed the process.

BONUS TIP #1: To have a truly clean start, take your accumulated laundry to your local laundromat and have them do the wash for you. Approximate cost = $1.00/lb.

BONUS TIP #2: Use Color Catchers (by Shout) or Color Grabber (by Carbona) when washing lights and darks together. They really do catch the color!

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2 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing this advice on keeping your laundry room organized! I really struggle with organization, especially in smaller spaces like the laundry room. However, I don’t think I have ever really sat down and visualized the space. It might be a good idea for me to do that, and then start throwing away the excess that doesn’t work with my ideal.

  2. Commercial laundry services will wash your articles of clothing in compliance with these standards. You will not have to worry about ensuring that these items are in pristine condition.

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