
Author: Gabrielle Watters-SmithHolidays

Holiday Organizing Tips

Brought to you by the Professional Organizers of NAPO-GPC

  1. Have a plan to get you through the season.  At least four weeks prior to the holiday,  schedule a few tasks to be completed each week on your calendar.  For instance: week 1 – interior/exterior decorating, week 2 and 3 – shopping, week 3 – sending greeting cards, week 4 – baking and wrapping.  A few days in advance of the holiday, shop for the holiday meal.
  2. Keep a holiday notebook to write down gifts as they are purchased throughout the year.  Include where you have stashed them for safekeeping, and have an envelope for holding the receipts.  Create a gift-giving budget, and use the notebook to keep track of your expenses.
  3. Label all your room decorations with the location – such as “kitchen window sill” for a candle or “front door” for a wreath on the back or bottom, where they can’t be seen.
  4. After you have all your holiday decorations out take a picture of each section and store it with your decorations. It will be even easier to decorate next year and others can help!
  5. Use command strips and hooks for all kinds of decorations from wreaths to inside lights. They don’t damage walls or paint so you can put decorations in unlikely places.
  6. If you mail out holiday cards, keep the addresses on your computer and print out sheets of labels.  Be sure to stop by the post office for stamps or order them online.
  7. For holiday photo cards, use pictures that you have taken during the year to make a card.  Enlist the help of family to sign, address and stamp the cards in one night.
  8. Once you have finished setting out your decorations, consider donating the rest to a thrift shop so that needy families can benefit from your surplus.
  9. For holiday entertaining, keep your beverage and food menu simple.   Pull out the serving dishes and utensils that you will need and label what food will be placed in it.
  10. If an old tradition isn’t working for you, start a new one.  For example, instead of letting the number of gifts escalate each year, set a limit on the number.
  11. Try to do your shopping during the non-peak hours or try shopping online.
  12. Photo albums that you can create on-line make great gifts for grandparents or relatives out of town. You can share all your family’s special moments throughout the year in one 20 page book for about $30.
  13. Write yourself a list of what changes you want to make next holiday season. Put it with decorations, card list or have it remind you electronically next Thanksgiving.
  14. Plan your holiday wardrobe for everyone in your household.  Determine if you need to purchase items, etc.
  15. Be kind to yourself.  Schedule downtime to relax and enjoy the holiday.
  16. Delegate tasks where you can.

(NAPO-GPC) is the resource for organizing professionals in Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Central and Southern New Jersey. Visit our website at and use the online “Find an Organizer” search tool to find a Professional Organizer in your area.

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One Response

  1. I love organizational tips! Thirty- One Gifts has great products for Spring to help too 🙂

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